Caterpillar Dreamers是一部獨立製作的2D動畫。在20世紀末許多的科幻作品中,描寫關於下個世紀想像,新穎的科技及美好的生活將會在下個世紀完成,迎接我們的將會是更加完善的世界。然而現代生活並不如電影所描寫,甚至令人失望。在前期準備的過程,我訪問了一些出生於千禧世代的創作者,了解其他創作者對於現代生活的失落感的想法與創作的關係後,以這些訪問作為素材進行劇本撰寫與音效設計。現實不盡完美,但埋藏在不完美的現實之下,我們會在一同編織的夢想中找到新的希望。​​​​​​​

"Caterpillar Dreamers” is a 2D animation about the gap between millennials’ expectations they had in childhood and present days. It arose from the feeling when I saw old sci-fi films, which are about the future full of innovative technology and wonderful life. But life isn’t as wonderful as those films expected, and sometimes it’s disappointing. During the pre-production period, I interviewed several millennial Taiwanese creators about this topic. These interviews are very inspiring, and they are a very important part of this project as a creating process. There will be new hope in the old dream we had together eventually, and we just need to accept reality and live with it.
The main character mostly is in the shadow until she arrives at the cloud, while the caterpillar is always glowing. The caterpillar is a sign of hope, the possibility of her. Before growing up, it's hard to guess what the caterpillar will become.
The cloud surrounding the city is the dream of the future world that people had together. They wove the dream together, and people believed in it more because of the billboard and TV advertisement. The environment design is inspired by apartments in my country.

Yung-Chia Chen

Sound Design
Yung-Chia Chen

Sarah Lugthart
Leon van Rooij
Remco Vlaanderen
Peter van de Zanden
Fred van Hoek

Special Thanks
Alina Milina
Linde van Dijk  
Andrea Castillo
Andrés Cuevas Gómez
Juliana Erazo
Danielle Riseley
Justin Bentvelsen
Lin Ying-Ying
Jessy Jane Suharyanto
Maria Isavella Liljenhjerte
Mara Bruin
Angelique Rijnsburger
Natalia Jiménez Osorio
Petie Okido
Dair Bioli
Dana Durr
Willem van den Boomen
Gal Kinan
Sagar Biswas
Tim van Iersel
Michelle Koenders
Casey van den Waardenburg
Rashid Beltifa

Emily Li
Veronica Liu

Ping-Ya Huang
Tone Chang
Bryce Chen
XiaoQíng Chen
LiFang Chang

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